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Diffusing Dynamite Sept. 15

(Photo via AEW)

All Elite Wrestling was live with another edition of Dynamite on Sept. 15 and there was a lot to be excited about, especially CM Punk being on commentary.

Matches on the show included Jade Cargill defeating Leyla Hirsch, Darby Allin defeating Shawn Spears, Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs 2point0 and there would be the AEW in-ring debut of Adam Cole against Frankie Kazarian. The much-anticipated segment was Bryan Danielson addressing AEW World Champion Kenny Omega.

As always the Diffusing Dynamite team of Joseph Casciaro and Gavin Axelrod have you covered for all things AEW!

Adam Cole has an impressive debut Bay Bay

(Photo via AEW)

The opening contest of Dynamite was the in-ring debut of Elite member Adam Cole up against Frankie Kazarian. Cole had a very impressive debut and was able to overcome the Elite hunter.

Post-match Cole grabbed the microphone to say that hope is a dangerous thing and that anyone in the locker room thinking they are on the level of The Elite is dangerous. He also called out three men who have specifically been on his nerves since he joined AEW a short while ago, those men being Christian Cage, Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy.

Cole challenged them to a six-man tag match against himself and The Young Bucks. He then proclaimed that the Super Clique is back and there’s not a thing anyone can do about it!

MJF is the biggest heel in wrestling

(Twitter via @AEW)

MJF was out in the ring tonight to address Brian Pillman Jr. and he showed us all why he is easily the best heel in pro wrestling. He said he was out there to speak to ‘The Loose Cannon’ Brian Pillman and he then began to speak into the ground implying he was in hell.

He was getting astronomical heat from the crowd and he told Pillman to make sure his lame excuse for a second-generation superstar son doesn’t show up to their match for the ass-kicking of a lifetime. Pillman Jr.’s music then hit, and he attacked MJF from behind and scared him off with a chair!

Pillman Jr. seems to be getting quite the push here and it is something Gavin and I are very happy about!

Cody has returned

(Twitter via @AEW)

Malakai Black was out on Dynamite to address the crowd, but he said he could not continue with an enemy amongst them. He then pointed Rosario, Cody’s friend and co-host from his TV show, he got right in her face to call her out.

Just as they were having a faceoff, down the steps in the crowd emerged Cody Rhodes for the first time in over a month. Rhodes was after Black and both men brawled through the arena into the commercial break. Their rematch next week should be a real blood bath!

Team Taz retaliates

(Twitter via @AEW)

CM Punk was interrupted on commentary by Taz and Hook, and Hook lured him away from the table allowing Powerhouse Hobbs to hit him from behind. Both men then beat down Punk and then Hobbs Slammed him onto the commentary table. This Team Taz and Punk feud is really beginning to heat up!

The Pinnacle has a bone to pick with Sting & Allin

(Twitter via @AEW)

On Dynamite Darby Allin with Sting in his corner took on Shawn Spears of The Pinnacle with Tully Blanchard in his corner. It was a good match with the interesting moment where Spears wiped Allin’s facepaint off, but in the end, Allin came out on top with a Coffin Drop.

However, post-match things heated up when FTR and Tully started a beatdown on Sting and Allin. FTR ended up hitting Sting with a spike piledriver and then Tully wiped off his facepaint as well. This was quite the sign of disrespect and I am sure Sting and Allin will return with a vengeance.

The American Dragon is game

(Image via AEW)

‘The American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson was out on Dynamite tonight to call out Kenny Omega. However, before even getting to speak he was interrupted by Don Callis with Kenny Omega by his side.

Callis said he has been sickened by everything Danielson has had to say since joining AEW and specifically mentioned he joined AEW for the best of the wrestling business. He said if that is really how Bryan thinks then he is just a mark like all the fans in the arena!

Bryan then told Callis to shut up because he is here to talk to Omega, and right now it is not about the AEW Title, but instead it is about who is better. He said to give the people what they want and have a one-on-one match to see who is better, Callis quickly declined but, he was once again shut up quickly.

Bryan even said he came to AEW to fight the ‘Best Bout Machine’ and ‘God of Pro Wrestling’ Kenny Omega, but instead all he has seen is a guy who hangs out with stooges and lets Callis talk for him. Danielson said he does not think Omega has lost his step or anything like that but instead has lost his balls!

Omega then said if the Best Bout Machine and God of Pro Wrestling are what Danielson wants then he says yes to this challenge! Next week, we will have the dream match of Kenny Omega vs Bryan Danielson!

Suzuki-Gun wants Mox and Eddie

(Twitter via @AEW)

Suzuki-Gun, Lance Archer and Minoru Suzuki will be reuniting next week on AEW Dynamite! They will reunite so Suzuki can get his revenge on Jon Moxley, as it will be Suzuki-Gun vs Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston!

On Dynamite, following the main event of Moxley and Kingston defeating 2point0, Suzuki-Gun came out to attack. Minoru first distracted both men allowing Archer to attack Kingston, and then Mox and Suzuki were at each other. The show went off the air with all four men still brawling in the arena, next week should be a war!

Next Week: Kenny Omega vs Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black, MJF vs Brian Pillman Jr., Dr. Britt Baker DMD defends the AEW Women’s Championship against Ruby Soho and Sting & Darby Allin vs FTR!



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